
Welcome To The 4 marketing Ps Blog!

So you want to top up your knowledge in the marketing department eh? Maybe because you have an exam coming up soon in something like Business studies? or you just got that promotion you have been waiting and busting your butt for all this time! or quite possibly you have just realised that everytime you are out and about, you seem to be surrounded by all sorts of marketing tactics, deals, offers, sales, bargains etc etc. ready and waiting for you to pull out that hard earned cash....

Well I am glad you found my blog, as I have many many years experience in the marketing industry, working for some of the biggest fortune 500 companies in existance, managing and marketing all sorts of projects, and now it's time to share that experience, hopefully to benefit YOU and all other readers for years to come, so lets get right to it!

You will notice on the right hand side of my blog there is an archive of all posts I make, which are clickable, and will take you to the page of your choice. There is quite a collection to go through, so don't hesitate to bookmark and come back when you can, there is no time limit and we are not going anywhere!

Thanks For Stopping By,
Take Care,
